MARCH 3 In this magic place called Claremont we set up our tents side by side, helping each other with
everything. Then on a delicious warm evening, under a sky full of stars... - into each other's arms! Just for a moment and
with my big dumb tape recorder hanging between us. But there is something else between us, intangible and oh so sweet. My
heart sings! Shall I hang love poems on trees? We're in an enchanted forest. It's Arden and here is my Rosalind.
MARCH 5 On the fifth day of the Great Peace March I enter heaven. I 'knock'
on her tent door. A long talk. She wants to know all about my life. I squeeze her hand, caress her arm. We kiss, embrace,
and under warm sleeping bags, in a yellow tent translucent to the stars, we make love, the sweetest love...
MARCH 8 Rosalind and I leave the campground together, but soon we're in a big nasty sandstorm. Grit
blows, mile after mile, into our eyes and mouth. PHEWWW! Then the sandstorm is replaced by a rainstorm, very heavy, and so
we slosh in rain for miles. But as we approach camp, glorious sunshine baths our desert landscape in gold. Bushes are wet
and green, endless sand now moist and brown. The hills gray, the clouds all puffy white. Then - darn it! - it rains again
and we all scurry to set up our tents. In tents! My Rosalind and I intense again in our tent tonight.
MARCH 10 A twenty mile walk across a desert of mud - three inch deep mud! Windy as hell. As we walk into camp it
turns cold and rains hard! So much rain in a desert?! Chaos and confusion. Tents lost. People shivering. Hot soup served in
long lines. I can't find my sleeping bag. In Orange Town Tent hypothermia victims on the floor. Wild night - frightening night!
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