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Page Eleven

MAY 20

We awake at the condo, Beatrice and I, pack all our stuff, and ride the ED Bus to camp. A big breakfast there, then we walk out of Vail. The March leaves the highway for a bicycle path. It takes us higher and higher into a winter wonderland.

Vail Pass

We don't always walk military style in neat columns. The truth is that here on Vail Pass our marchers broke ranks, threw themselves into the snow, then pitched balls of snow like crazy - at each other and everywhere!

Today is also my porta-pottie day and Donna teaches me a better way of replacing all the toilet paper. We do another skit tonight - a tribute to the Transportation Crew. Again we sing and dance to our home made songs, but this time it's so dark and cold the audience is very small.

"Drivers" by Guy Colwell

MAY 21

More rivers and streams, more gigantic mountains of snow, and now we have pine trees! How far we are from the desert! As we walk through this dreamland, Beatrice and I write another skit, this time to honor the Kitchen Crew. It's based on the Astaire/Rodgers "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off." We love it so much we rehearse it over and over: "You say po-tay-to, and I say po-tah-to..." But at camp Beatrice and Benedict fight as only they can. Why? Well, the marchers are invited to sleep in beds again tonight. One of us wants to go to a condo, the other wants to stay in camp. What a stew! But we end up close as two peas in a pod.

MAY 22

This day is, literally and figuratively, the crest, the apex, the pinnacle of our Walk. The GPM has climbed to its crowning glory - the Continental Divide, 12,000 feet, Loveland Pass, Colorado. Shouting and singing and hugging and crying and endless picture taking... What joy! To be HERE after all weve been through! Will we ever forget this magic moment in time and space, this milestone on the Great Peace March? Never!

Loveland Pass